Manage products Step 1

Here you see the empty product main screen.

The search field helps you find products. If there are tags you can select tags to be shown. Same for manufacturer and categories. categories are given from our system if you need one contact us. Tags you can choose for your self. (less is more)

The sort button is self explanatory.

We skip all VR features for you they are hidden with a flag.

Manage products step 2

All Products have basic products to be keyed in.

A product needs a name , description , link name an media and a price.

You can enter Name and description also in another language for now this is german.

Normally Custom tax is not used but here you can force stripe to use that tax for calculating vat for that product.

Product type can be Physical and Cupon (later we will add digital product if necessary)

Cupon is a value gift card you sell for your shop.

Media for is 2d you can have 1 or more jpeg pictures. All other medias are relevant for our VR galleries.

Satus of inventory is important.

Disabled means system doesn’t care about stock it is for easy restocked items or if you dont want to maintain stock.

Automatic is classical stock change if customer purchase this product the stock will be reduced by amount purchased. but it cant be 0. !!!

Best use for one of products like art or carved products for instance.

Overselling same as Automatic but you can sell even if stock is 0. Which is normally used for easy restock able products.

Admin dashboard interface for product management, showing a navigation menu on the left and a product listing table with filters and a search bar on the right. The table has headers like photo, name, base price, and status, with no data displayed.
User interface for adding a new product with fields for product name, description, type, media upload, inventory status, and variants.

Manage products categories step 3


They are used for raw grouping of products.

We maintain them from system.

If you think you need a new category we will ask the community and normally create it for you.

In future we will have categories also translated for seo.

Manage products tags step 4

Tags are meant that you can subgroup your own products.

Just use it intuitive.

Manage products Price step 5

Even if you dont use variants in that area you need to give a title and a price sku is possible but seldom used.

If you press back your changes are lost

The save button check all fields and shows errors in red and if all ok the product is created.

The system tells you success with small green message “you have successfully created new product”

Manage products step 6

If you click the small left arrow or product button you see the product view.

You see the base information and you can maintain the product and now we create next product.

Manage product media(s) step 7

We need minimum 1 Jpeg to store a product but here you can load more pictures for (and VR).

With the dotted box you can change the sequence of pictures

by drag and drop. The red x are for deleting the media.

Manage product stock step 8

Inventory status is set to Automatic. Means stock field is a mandatory field and here you enter the stock you want to be sold.

Manage product status step 9

The status “Active” means product will be actively sold by our shop.

Status “Coming soon” will show the product with a respective message but add to basket button is disabled so purchase is not possible.

Status “In preperation” means product is not shown in shop as you are working on it.

Manage product variants step 10

The inventory status “Overselling” means product can be sold even stock is lower than 0!.

Variants can have their own stock if Inventory status is not Disabled.

You simply press add variant button to create am new variant.

Yoiu add a new title and price and stock. And remove variant removes the line.

Manage product seo step 11

if you want and special seo values you can enter here the information if not we will use your product data.

Here you see the VR Detail button which is not relevant for now.

And here you have an Duplicate and Duplicate without Media product for fast data entry.

Product management interface with inventory, variants, and category selection tools
Inventory management interface with product variant details, category selection, SEO fields, and status options.
Screenshot of a product management interface with inventory status, variant details (title, price, SKU), category selection, tags, and SEO section.
Product management dashboard interface displaying product details such as name, base price, inventory status, and actions on the right side. Sidebar menu includes options like Worlds, Projects, Products, Analytics, Enquiries, and Profile.
Media upload interface with options for 2D, 360, 3D, and video, and a section to drag and drop images. Three image files are listed with delete options.
Inventory management interface with status set to automatic, and a product variant listed with details: Title 'Mühle', Price '110', SKU, Stock '2', and an option to add a variant.
Dropdown menu with options: Active, Coming soon, In preparation; 'In preparation' selected.
Inventory management interface showing product variants. Two products listed: "ohne Gravur" priced at 35 with a stock of 2, and "Gravur BIl" priced at 43 with no stock. Options for adding and removing variants.
SEO interface for adding title and description